Moshika Beauty is thrilled and honored to announce its recognition and recommendation by none other than Tampa Bay's Top Doctor 2023, the renowned Dr. Rosh! 

Dr. Rosh was featured on CBS Great Day Live on 10 Tampa Bay to share her insights on Laser Assisted Eyelid Surgery! Not only was she serving great knowledge on live TV but she was also serving looks with Moshika Beauty’s Silk Lashes!

Moshika Beauty Lashes are absolutely amazing. As an ophthalmologist and oculofacial surgeon, I would recommend these lashes. They are lightweight, easy to apply, and make your lashes look flawless. The kit includes a magnetic application serum which is clean and easy to remove and the lash applicator fits the normal and glam lashes well. I would highly recommend these lashes as a safe and effective cosmeceutical.” - Dr. Rosh


Dr. Rosh Tampa Bay Chanhel 10 CBS Lashes

Dr. Rosh's endorsement of Moshika Beauty is a testament to our brand's commitment to clean beauty and its unwavering dedication to enhancing the beauty and confidence of individuals everywhere. With Dr. Rosh's seal of approval, discerning consumers can trust in the quality and efficacy of Moshika Beauty products, knowing that they are backed by the expertise of a top-tier professional.

If you are interested in eyelid or facial rejuvenation or have a medical problem affecting your eyelids, tear system, or orbit consider consulting with Dr. Rosh.